Wednesday 13 March 2013

Directioner challenge!

Directioner challenge!

Hey guys:3 I thought it would be good to do this tag type thing to start of with! Just thought I'd put it out there that I'm blasting take me home yayy ITS YOU OH ITS YOU THEY ADD UP TO(: just imagine me sitting here singing that to my 1D posters because im forever alone..

1. Favourite lyrics?
I can't be no superman, but for you I'd be superhuman- Save You Tonight

2. Boy you fancy the most? uh, nialler of course(:

3. Year you became a directioner? 23rd july 2010 AKA the best day of my life;)

4. Favourite X factor video diary?
idk, 4 i think because Liam says my name aha;) I like 6 as well because there in onesies and they think there god damn cool.

5. Directioner BFF?
Brooke ;) we fangirl and text each other pictures of the boys and just like share our feels ya know?

6. How many posters do you own of them?
I have tons. Literally in my closet I have a huge pile of 1D posters from magazines that I'm not allowed to put up because the blue tack stains the walls and tape rips the paint soo.. But anyway I currently have some of my lyric drawings up (I have 5 I will post some tutorials at some point), a 1D photo heart (it sort of failed), a glossy poster thing off the Internet and an official 1D merch door poster of Harry :)

7. Music video that makes you fangirl the most? either OWOA because of niall in the shower or LWWY because I mean, there shirtless in a pool..

8. Favourite bromance/ship? Niam :)

9. Favourite song on UAN? Oops I have loads.. UAN, WMYB (listening to that now lol), one thing, I wish, I want, stole my heart and save you tonight!

10. Favourite song on TMH? LWWY, Kiss You, Little Things, I Would, Rock Me, Heart Attack, C'mon C'mon..

11. How you found the band? X Factor(:

12. 0 :( I was going to go to the concert in glasgow but it was sold out :(

13. Fave 1D Instagram account? If its like out of the boys then probably niall because I love him<3 data-blogger-escaped-1d_imaginesrus="" data-blogger-escaped-:d="" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-account="" data-blogger-escaped-also="" data-blogger-escaped-amazing="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-because="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-but="" data-blogger-escaped-fan="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-imagines="" data-blogger-escaped-like="" data-blogger-escaped-love="" data-blogger-escaped-make="" data-blogger-escaped-maliksbby="" data-blogger-escaped-ok="" data-blogger-escaped-perfff="" data-blogger-escaped-pics="" data-blogger-escaped-soo="" data-blogger-escaped-their="" data-blogger-escaped-they="" data-blogger-escaped-yeah="">
14. Fave 1D non-music video? I love the video diaries and spin the harry;)

15. Couple you like best? Elounor.

16. Boy you would want to be your brother? Idk either Liam or Louis, Liam because he is really sweet and kind and Louis because we'd have the best banter. EVER.

17. Boy who you would date and marry? we all know this by now.. N to the I to the A the double L. yeah niall.

18. Fave random 1D fact? is this like off the top of my head or just like a random fact? weeelll that while on the x factor niall was told to go on a diet. And that our snowflake cried while watching finding nemo. omg me toooo i legit cried at it as well. Naww ship us maybe?

19. Something in the room that reminds you of the boys?
All my posters and my merch :)

20. Fave x factor performance? Torn or only girl in the world or my life would suck without you just cause I like those songs. Personally i love all of them(;

21. Your proudest moment as a dedicated directioner?
When I told the whole class that I loved 1D. Yeah, pretty much most days I get shit for that. I DO NOT REGRET IT OK. And another was when I waited up until midnight to see OWOA because thats when it came out and I was sick and I had to get up at 6 the next morning. oops.

Sooo that's it:)




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